Embarking on the Ladakh Adventure

A Dream Come True

An accomplishment, filled with memories of thrills, the unknown, and unparalleled experiences along the way.

The Intro

Residing in the diverse and captivating subcontinent of India, every motorcycle enthusiast dreams of embarking on the legendary Ladakh ride. My fascination with this remote Himalayan region began during my early days of riding, largely inspired by the iconic Bollywood film "3 Idiots." But the real journey started to take shape in 2019 when my friend Tawkir and I decided to make this dream a reality. We began saving money and meticulously researching our route, determined to set off on our adventure in 2020.

However, the unforeseen global upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shattered our dreams in 2020. With lockdowns and restrictions in place, we had to postpone our Ladakh expedition indefinitely. It was a year filled with uncertainty and frustration.

By the end of 2021, as the world started to regain its footing, we saw a glimmer of hope. We eagerly revived our Ladakh plans. Knowing that many of Ladakh's roads remain closed during the harsh winter months, we decided to embark on our journey at the cusp of winter's end.

Dhaka to Delhi: A Glimpse of India

On April 27, 2022, our journey commenced in Dhaka, Bangladesh, as we boarded a bus bound for Benapole, the first step on our adventure. Crossing the border was our inaugural challenge, with chaotic crowds testing our patience. It was here that we first encountered the warm hospitality of fellow riders from Kolkata, who welcomed us to India.

From Kolkata, we embarked on a train journey to Delhi, marking the longest train ride of my life, taking a grueling 17 hours. In Delhi, we visited the iconic Jama Mosque, but the extreme heat, with temperatures soaring to 46 degrees Celsius, tested our endurance.

Delhi to Pathankot: The Royal Enfield Adventure Begins

Our Ladakh journey truly kicked off as we reached Delhi. Here, we rented the rugged and iconic Royal Enfield Himalayan motorcycles, perfectly suited for the rugged terrain that lay ahead.

Our first day of riding was a test of endurance, with the scorching sun making the 550-kilometer journey to Pathankot grueling. The hot temperatures were something we were unaccustomed to and added an extra layer of challenge to our ride.

Pathankot to Pahalgam: Eid Celebrations and Breathtaking Scenery

As we hit the road from Pathankot to Pahalgam, it was the day of Eid. While we celebrated this auspicious occasion, I couldn't help but miss my family back home.

The mountain roads were both exhilarating and daunting, as we ventured deeper into the stunning landscapes. We crossed tunnels and witnessed awe-inspiring vistas, making us appreciate the beauty of the Kashmir region.

Our original plan was to reach Jammu, but we decided to detour to Pahalgam, a decision we didn't regret. We spent two unforgettable days exploring renowned tourist spots like Betaab Valley and Aru Valley, immersing ourselves in the breathtaking charm of Kashmir, often referred to as "heaven on Earth."

Pahalgam to Srinagar: Unpredictable Challenges and Natural Beauty

Our journey through the Kashmir region continued as we set off for Srinagar from Pahalgam. Here, we explored the mesmerizing Dal Lake and Gulmarg.

The ride to Gulmarg was particularly challenging, as we unexpectedly encountered a hailstorm on the way. Ice balls rained down, leaving us with no shelter except our riding gear. It was a terrifying yet exhilarating experience.

Srinagar to Kargil: Entering the Land of Ladakh

Having spent two days exploring Srinagar, it was finally time to set our sights on Kargil, marking our entry into the Ladakh region. Our first hurdle was crossing the treacherous Zozila Pass, which stands at a staggering 12,000 feet above sea level. The roads were in deplorable condition, winding through high mountain terrain.

Our day began with a landslide, causing an hour-long delay, but once we crossed this obstacle, we were greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of snow-capped mountains. We savored a warm bowl of Maggi noodles at Zozila Pass, which, despite the high price, felt like a connection to the heart of Ladakh. The excitement and anticipation reached a crescendo as we finally entered Kargil under the cover of night.

We savored a warm bowl of Maggi noodles at Zozila Pass, which, despite the high price, felt like a connection to the heart of Ladakh. The excitement and anticipation reached a crescendo as we finally entered Kargil under the cover of night.

Kargil to Leh: The Road to Dreams

The stretch from Kargil to Leh was the one we had been yearning for. In Kashmir, we traversed lush green mountains, but on this journey through Ladakh, we encountered an entirely different world.

The landscape transformed into a cold desert, characterized by rugged mountains and endless straight roads. Riding through this surreal landscape was a dream come true, a moment that stirred deep emotions within us.

Leh Days: Exploring the Heart of Ladakh

Our stay in Leh extended to three days, providing us with ample time to explore this main city of Ladakh. We visited the school featured in "3 Idiots," the Leh Palace, and numerous monasteries.

However, there was a touch of disappointment as we couldn't secure permission to visit Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley, as was the case for many travelers from different countries, including Bangladesh (Note: This restriction has since been lifted).

Despite this, every other aspect of our stay in Leh was a delight. The weather, food, and rich culture of Leh Ladakh left a lasting impression on us.

Leh to Zispa: Conquering One of the World's Most Dangerous Roads

Our Ladakh adventure was far from over as we embarked on the treacherous journey from Leh to Manali. This route is renowned for being one of the world's most perilous roads.

On the first day, our progress was halted after just 20 kilometers due to a landslide that blocked the road. The second day began early, and though the road had reopened, we faced extreme cold, with temperatures plummeting to -4 degrees Celsius.

Riding through Taglanga Pass, which stood at almost 18,000 feet above sea level, was a test of our endurance. The biting cold left my fingers aching, and my friend Tawkir experienced breathing difficulties due to the high altitude. However, we overcame these challenges, successfully completing this demanding route.

Days in Himachal: Unwinding in the Hills

Upon reaching Himachal, we decided to take a well-deserved break. We began our exploration in Manali, where we tried paragliding for the first time, an exhilarating and emotionally charged experience. Our journey then took us to the captivating city of Shimla, nestled among the mountains, leaving us in awe of its beauty and charm.

Reaching Home: A Journey of Thrills, Adventures, and Memories

After 26 days of awe-inspiring adventure, we finally returned home to our beloved country. This marked my first international trip, and the emotions that welled up inside me were indescribable.

I was proud of our accomplishment, filled with memories of thrills, the unknown, and the unparalleled experiences we had gathered along the way.

Our Ladakh expedition was a testament to the enduring spirit of adventure, a journey that will forever hold a special place in my heart.


Gear & Equipment

Find out what I am taking with me to Africa!